All the prints are made on fabric with pockets for the sticks to be hanged
The logo that you see on the images, is not present on the prints
You can find the price under every picture depending on the size available, I have a very limited number of prints left
The price doesn't include shipping. I ship from Italy all over the world.
To order write me a message with the names of the pieces and we will take it from there.
In color
Inbetween lives 55x73 cm 80 euro
Inner Flame 48x41 cm 80 euro
Swimming with the Whales Available in 2 sizes: 29x41 cm 20 euro 43x62 cm 60 euro
The Seer Available in 2 sizes: 40x28 cm 20 euro 55x39 cm 60 euro
Hypnotized by illusions Available in 2 sizes: 40x57 cm 60 euro 29x40 cm 10 euro (with a small defect)
Scream 40x56 cm 60 euro
A Journey through time into timeless
64,5x45 cm 60 euro
"The snakefish is swimming downstream. The flow is smooth and light. Pema's body is getting warm again. She can't figure out anymore where she is, where she is going. Deep space of surrender is opening inside of her. She can see clearly that she can't hold onto anything, neither past nor future. She can only experience everything in the present moment. Her past, her future can only be lived now. It all belongs to now. This clarity supports her in surrendering to whatever she sees unfolding in the river." From Tantra, Hidden Mysteries by Pema Gitama, page 111
I feel that this quote is perfect for this picture. This drawing depicts my process of remembering one of the past lives and transcending the dark memories, I realized that it fits quite well as an illustration to this chapter of the book!
So transcending darkness into light, moving on the back of the serpent through time into timeless.
Black and White
A Healer 51x51 plus white pockets for hanging 90 euro
God is in me 62x44\69x58 80 euro
Devotion 69x49 (57) cm 60 euro
Valor of Spirit 63x44cm 60 euro
Flower gem-stone 51x60 to check
Humble heart gives birth to a mighty spirit 66x64 cm to check